Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Did Life Improve For Black Americans

The NAACP formed in 1909 by William Du Bois, they were active against racial injustice between sass and sass. They had various campaigns one mainly being the main opponent of the UK Klux Klan in 1 sass. They had also stopped various opposition in which they had felt it was a correct decision, an example is blocking a nomination of judge, John Parker, a known racist. They had also pressured the Supreme Courts which ensured black Americans have the same quality of education as white Americans. The Second World War in 941 had many positive and negative changes.The Jim Crow Law which segregated the units in the IIS army there was a black only unit in which they weren't allowed to combat in before 1944 but were offered jobs to support the army such as transport supplies. Although discrimination occurred, US air forces didn't allow black pilots but the Tuskegee allowed them to have black pilots at the end of the war consisting of 1000 black pilots. Education was difficult for black America ns in the 1 sass and 1 9605 because of the struggle f equal education in which in 1952, 20 US states had segregated public schools.Linda Brown had to walk 20 blocks to her school which consisted of black Americans even though there was a school for white pupils near her home. In September 1 957, 9 African-Americans students entered a white only Central High School in Little Rock this made President Eisenhower respond by sending 1000 federal troops which brought the media involved and increased the publicity to the injustices of segregation. Resilience in 195(Yes were increasing, Malcolm X whose father was murdered by white Supremes had joined the Nation of Islam and changed his surname to ‘X'.Although he rejected Martin Luther Kings speech and ideology he believed violence was the only way to secure a black nation. Many young black Americans were frustrated in Kings slow response and with the Malcolm confidence in speaking; he attracted them to support him. As a result, he enc ouraged the self-esteem of black Americans and his ideology was supported by Black Panthers and Power.

Celebrities deserve privacy Essay

Celebrities are those people who are always under public attention. The media and fans are keeping an eye on their strange or outrageous antics. Such people influence the world because the youth look upon them. Most tabloids, magazines publish various articles about famous people, and lots of teenagers and even adults want to know everything. Journalists do not only share information about the known facts about the celebrity. They try to get lots of photos which would show the person not from the best side. They do this just to attract more readers. The private life of public figures becomes unprotected. It is no wonder that it is impossible to look perfect all the time, and paparazzi catch such moments by taking spontaneous photos. The media want to find out everything about the celebrities, and usually, they are not looking for something good. Scandals, affairs, illnesses, problems are those issues that create intrigue. Paparazzi invade privacy ludicrously and consider this to be a norm. However, celebrities are just ordinary people who deserve to have personal lives which are not recorded. They have secrets, and it is normal that they are not eager to share this with all the world. What is more, paparazzi start chasing children, friends, parents of famous people. It is significant to bear in mind that everyone should have privacy, and media should step back from invading personal lives. It is not that difficult to become a â€Å"celeb† these days thanks to various TV shows and the Internet. It seems that being famous is just about walking on the red carpet, taking beautiful photos, and attending parties. The spotlight looks deceptively great. However, everything changes when media start chasing others to get scandalous news. When a celebrity begins a new relationship, changes job, gets pregnant, or gets involved in any other personal situations, this all becomes known on the Internet pages. And it is not even the worst aspect. The biggest disadvantage is that lots of people adore criticising others. They share their opinions, write comments, although you have never asked them to discuss your private life. It is good if such comments are positive, but when they are focused on the negative side, it becomes annoying and embarrassing. Another negative side of invading the private life of celebrities is that they cannot simply go outside to have a cup of coffee. Photographers, fans, journalists are always waiting for the person from the closest corner. Famous people have to hide faces just to avoid such overwhelming attention. Sometimes even ordinary people need silence and solitude. However, these words may sound unreal for the celebs. People have to understand that being famous is just the same job as any other: teacher or doctor. Each profession requires privacy because we are all humans and should respect each other. The most dangerous aspect of the paparazzi is that their chases for a sharp photograph of the celebrity can turn into a fatal event. The world-known tragedy with Princess Diana happened in 1997. She was called â€Å"the most hunted person of the modern age,† because she was popular all around the globe. Princess Diana was followed by hundreds of journalists and photographers every day. Paparazzi did everything possible to find out where she was going or driving. They wanted to get a good shot, write a booming article in the magazine, and get lots of money. Photographers spent days and nights trying to find Diana and take a picture. However, these crazy chases happened too often. One day when Princess was followed by the speeding car with paparazzi, the vehicle where Diana sat, crashed and she died very quickly. After this situation, people started to despise such crazy attempts of photographs to find celebrities. Unless such obsessed chases stop, there will be more and more si milar fatal events. Each human deserves privacy because sometimes there are such events that people do not want to share with anyone. Thinking about the celebrities who suffer from serious illnesses and take hospital care abroad, it seems weird that paparazzi may follow such people just to take a photo of an ill man or woman. There are lots of situations when photographs post pictures with celebrities who feel bad, have an awful look because of medical treatment or surgery. It is more than clear that no human will ever have a desire to show such photos even to friends. What can be the person’s reaction when his pics are everywhere on the Internet? This may lead to stress, depression, other diseases. There is no excuse for those â€Å"photo-hunters† who neglect individual’s privacy at least when the person does not feel good. It is significant that the fans, as well as social media representatives, see clear limits between the public and private life. There is a lot of information which people want to find out about the famous personalities. For example, it is interesting to know how the celebrities achieved success, what their motivation and inspiration are. Journalists can ask such questions during the scheduled time for an interview. However, when it comes to personal life such as love, friendship, salary, these issues should be kept in confidentiality, unless the person wants to share this with everyone. Privacy intrusion is not ethical because it is intentional, and should be forbidden by law. People’s photos should be posted only with the permission. Otherwise, paparazzi must be fined. Sometimes when secret photographers post bad pictures and add scandalous articles, this may ruin private lives. In such situations, famous people have to sue the journalists who invaded their privacy. Having said that, some people say that bad fame is still fame. Because of the work of paparazzi, unknown people can become popular. However, it is still up to them to decide whether such sacrifice is justified. It means that if a public figure is against privacy intrusion, his or her desire should be protected by law. No matter which life a celebrity leads, no one can ever have a right to judge a person and spread gossips via the Internet. It is not that hard to make a photo and create a scandalous title which will make somebody notorious. However, it is hard to return good fame for a famous person after such gossips. Unfortunately, lots of readers are â€Å"blind,† and they believe everything they see. There is no guarantee that the photo has not undergone Photoshop Editing or the whole news is just a huge lie. People should be more critical when commenting on such posts which have relation to the celebrities’ personal lives. If humans appreciate one another as well as the personal space of each individual, there will be fewer conflicts and problems not only in the world of celebrities but everyday life of ordinary people.   

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Developmental Psychology Essay

Jean Piaget (1986-1980) studied the development of children’s understanding, through observing, talking and listening to children whilst he carried out exercises that he set. He was particularly interested in how children learn and adapt to the world around them and in order for adjustment or adaptation to work, there must be constant interaction between the child and the outside world. Piaget thought that cognitive development took place through two main processes: Accommodation- The cognitive organisation of the individual is altered by the need to deal with the environment, in other words the individual adjusts to the outside world.  Assimilation- The individual deals with the new environmental situation by adjusting the outside world to fit them. This is done by adding information to the schemas which extends the overall picture thus adjusting the interpretation.  Another important feature of Piaget’s theory was schemas, a mental framework which refers to the organisation of knowledge which then guides and actions for example a baby has a schema for grasping, it wraps its fingers around items placed in its hands. Schemas enable individuals to store, organise and interpret information about their experiences. When a child has assimilated the schemas it is in a state of cognitive balance but as the child continues to explore and comes into contact with new experiences cognitive imbalance is created. This then leads to equilibration; the child then uses the process of assimilation and accommodation to restore a state of equilibrium.  Piaget believed that children’s cognitive development goes through four stages, these are: Stage one: The sensorimotor stage this stage last from birth to about 2 years, a child learns by moving around his or her environment and learning through their senses- smell, sound, sight, touch and taste. The key achievement of this stage is the concept of object permanence which allows the child to be aware of the existence of objects when they are not in view, in the early part of the sensorimotor stage a child is not aware that objects still exist when they can not see them: it is a case of out of sight out of mind. This concept of object permanence develops as the child moves around their environment. Piaget investigated his children’s lack of permanence by hiding objects and found that at 0-5 months the child was not able to look for the object once it was hidden. However by 8 months old the child would search for the objects.  Stage two: The pre-operational stage which lasts between the ages of 2-7 years. Children’s thinking is dominated by appearance and the external world. They find it difficult to view things in other ways, other than the view they have and they focus on aspect of an object or situation rather than the complete picture. Their cognitive skills are not developed enough to make logical explanations however they are able to use language and are able to represent objects by images and words. Piaget studied conservation- the idea that children have trouble understanding that things can remain the same despite a visual change and found that when the same liquid was poured from a short fat glass to a tall thin glass a child at this stage would say that there was more liquid in the new glass or that there was more liquid in the original glass. In either case the child centres, or focuses on only one dimension (height or width). In addition, Piaget investigated egocentrism which involves children assuming that their way of thinking about things is the only way. He used the three mountains task to illustrate this idea. He showed four year olds three mountains of different heights and asked them to describe how the scene would look from different positions; the children chose their own view and failed to see that it would look different from different points. Piaget found that it was only when children reached the age of 6 and upwards that they were able to see that the view is different from other positions but they often chose the wrong view. Stage three: The concrete operational stage takes place during the ages of 7 and 11. Thinking becomes much less dependent on perception and the child is able to carry out mental operations on the world. However they need to use props in order to understand how things work. Children are able to de-centrate, meaning they are able to take into account more than one aspect of an object or situation at any one time and they are able to conserve, this means that the child understands that although the appearance of something changes, the thing itself does not.  Piaget also investigated conservation during this stage by repeating the experiment with the liquid in the glasses and found that by the age of seven the majority of children could conserve liquid because they understood that when water is poured into a different shape glass, the quantity of liquid remains the same even though its appearance has changed.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Divine Spark and What It Means to be Human Essay

The Divine Spark and What It Means to be Human - Essay Example Yet, I have to at least try and give an answer. What is "The Divine Spark" The most likely explanation for this, I believe, would be that sudden spark of life. It is that sudden gift of life from the divine creator. In the context of the novel though, I believe that the divine spark is the dawning of a realization for a person. That sudden understanding that whatever it was that he was questioning in the past has, when he least expected it, finally found an answer. The novel posed a serious question before me. After reading the passage in the book where the professor from the University of Virginia discussed his view of a Negro as a man with Chamberlain, I knew that I had a question to ask myself. Chamberlain said: A Negro was not a man Why wasn't he to be considered as such Regardless of race and color, he lived, breathed, and existed in the same space as his landlord. I am of the opinion that this was said because, at the time a Negro was not human because he was unlearned. That was not entirely his fault as it was illegal to teach your slaves to read in some states during that time. There were still some whites during this period that could not read or write yet nobody ever thought that he was less of a man because of his illiteracy. Is being a man based on skin color No. That is shallow and totally unacceptable. To illustrate my point, these days, the Latin Americans living in the USA have taken the place of the Negroes.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Role of HR Department in the Success of an Organisation Essay

Role of HR Department in the Success of an Organisation - Essay Example The entrance of new enterprises in corporate arena has intensified the competition among firms; hence every entity is more focused towards cost leadership so that it could ensure business survival and expansion. Indeed, the old workplace rules, regulations, requirements and criteria have been replaced by new workplace standards and roles so that the organisations could flourish in an absolutely uncertain, unpredictable, unclear, unstructured and unexpected business environment. The new workplace demands a greater emphasis on open communication, information sharing and team building that, in turn, leads to greater coordination, collaboration and cooperation among employees – employers. Unequivocally, Human Resource Management plays its vital role in goal accomplishment and organisational success because HR managers are solely responsible for recruitment, selection, training and skills development, employee compensation, placement, performance evaluation and retrenchment. For in stance, the aforementioned functions are also a part of employee resourcing, which sometimes also known as strategic resourcing (Kato, 2009); (Alcazar et al, 2005). It is worthwhile to mention that the debate on employee (strategic) resourcing has been intensified because of the increasingly vital role of HR department in the success of an organisation. Nevertheless, HR professionals are also aware of the fact that employees tend to face work-family conflicts when they are bombarded with excessive tasks and job requirements coupled with unrealistic goals and targets that are unachievable. For instance, employment discrimination and glass ceiling restrict the entry and progress of many deserving workers, which comes under unfair behaviour. Next, employers tend to force employees to work for additional hours without any extra disbursements/payments for overtime (Webster, 2011). Therefore, the employee resourcing task becomes complicated and challenging for enterprises of the 21st cent ury, which could not assimilate excessive business costs as an outcome of low productivity (due to employee dissatisfaction and low job morale) and higher employee turnover rate (Morrell et al, 2001). The paper will remain specific to the discussion of issues faced by organisations in employee resourcing and their implications. The researcher will critically evaluate and analyse the core issues with reference to existing literature as well as provide practical examples to comprehend this topic. The researcher will then demonstrate the procedures that could facilitate in employee resourcing. Finally, the researcher will present conclusions and discuss some useful recommendations based on his practical exposure and working experience in today’s corporate arena. 2. Analysis Employee Resourcing is a concept that refers to techniques, instruments and procedures used by employers and HR professionals in organizing/resourcing their business units in a manner that could facilitate in target setting and goal accomplishment. Employee resourcing is an extensive process that covers almost all Human Resource Management functions such as staffing, administration, change management, organisational control and performance standards. . In other words, Raiden et al (2009) have pointed out that Employee resourcing is beneficial for an enterprise because it leads to the creation of a best pool of employees who could adjust themselves in the operational environment and could efficiently utilise organisational resources to meet strategic goals and assigned objectives.  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Assigment 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Assigment 2 - Assignment Example Most of the information on the internet was in the form of advertisement luring people to some clinic or mother-baby care program. She wanted to join one but she did not have the money for that. Her primary source of information was the doctor she was visiting, magazines and the internet. She said that the first time she realized that she might be pregnant was when she felt like throwing up. She ignored it first thinking that pregnancy does not effect that early but the nausea was frequent. She went to the doctor to confirm it. After a few days she also had morning sickness and experienced wild mood swings. The weight gain followed soon. She was not bothered by it much she was expecting such symptoms. On the contrary she was relieved that there was no psychosis or any serious allergies. She also faced the opposite of departing from her relationship with her spouse; her husband turned out to be very caring. They had a few arguments every now and then but that was part of their normal life. They had arguments before the pregnancy so the new ones did not make any difference. They decided to get the baby delivered at the nearest hospital. The couple even agreed to get an appointment from the doctor that was taking care of the mother during pregnancy. Overall, the reality was much easier than the shocking expectations that the media usually portrays. She did talk about the pain during child birth (at the hospital, a normal delivery case) but she soon forgot about it when she rocked her first baby to sleep for the first time. The second mother vividly remembered what she was told about pregnancy. Most of the information came from friends and her mother. Her own mother was helping her all the way as she knew what to exactly expect. She was told that there can be complications but she needs to take care of herself. Her mom was strict about her diet and told her that if she eats right she will give birth to a healthy baby. She

Friday, July 26, 2019

Services Based Organisation Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Services Based Organisation Report - Essay Example These developmental processes include coaching, mentoring, eLearning, action learning and blended learning (Becker and Gerhart, 2009). This paper is focused on the employee development of a firm on the grounds of eLearning and how it has been improved over the years to foster employee development and using organisational resources efficiently. The purpose of the human resource management department is not only to look after the employee acquisition and performance level, but also to ensure that the firm is able to improve the employees’ skills and knowledge. An organization with a high skilled employee base is most likely to yield a higher performance level than its competitors. Therefore, it is vital for a firm to engage in employee development to gain a competitive advantage over its rivals (Baumruk and Gorman, 2009). The advent of globalization has made the global business market a more open place; this as a result has also increased the competitiveness of the industry. Therefore the companies constantly seek out new ways to improve their operational and production process so that they can stay ahead of their competitors (Eunmi, 2009). The traditional way to achieve this is to invest in high end manufacturing process and infrastructure. The firms often overlook the importance of the individuals who run the opera tional process. Moreover, owing to the myopic vision of the organization, it is caught up in achieving short term goals only, which as a result deviates the focus from the employees. This as a result reduces the productivity and efficiency of the firm as well as the chances of its sustainability (Sugumaran, 2008). Currie and Kerrin (2010) have stated that one of the effective ways of improving the productivity of the employees is to provide them with proper training. It can be defined as the planned effort of the organization to improve the competencies and knowledge base of the employees, which includes the